Water supply for washing machines and dishwashers
The supply of water to these is made via flexible hoses with isolating valves. These enable the machine to be moved for maintenance work. Depending on the machine, there may be cold supply only or both hot and cold.
If the machine is to be sited next to a sink or other existing plumbing installation, the supplies and waste can be branched to this relatively easily. Otherwise new pipe runs will need to be installed to the new location.
Connecting the water
Switch off the water and drain down the pipes to which you intend making your connection. If you are branching from an existing pipe, cut the pipe and fit a "T" shape fitting. This will mean making two cuts in the pipe to make room for the fitting.
Connect the fitting (soldered or compression, depending on space and preference).
Fit a length of pipe between the "T" and the position of the new machine. Fit an isolating valve in this branch to allow for maintenance later. Several makes of appliance connectors have integral isolating valves. Fit a connector to the end of the pipe to which the rubber hose from the machine will fit. Check the size and thread on this before buying.
Plumbing the waste pipe
There are several options for the waste disposal from such machines. Check the manufacturer’s details for recommendations. The most common is for the flexible waste outlet to be fed into a standpipe arrangement. The diameter of the pipe should be 40 mm.Run a waste pipe through the external wall to discharge to the drainage system.
This should have sufficient fall (dropping downhill) for the volume of water. This is normally recommended as 6mm per 300mm length.
Fit a deep trap to the inside end at floor level adjacent to the machine. Cut and fit a standpipe to the top of the trap. The usual length for this is 600mm from the base of the trap. Secure this, and any other pipework, with clips.Insert the flexible waste into the standpipe by the recommended amount. Switch on the water supply and test the plumbing.